Schlagwort-Archive: Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context

13.-14.02.17, Universität Heidelberg, Blockseminar: QGIS for Archaeology and Spatial Humanities – cumulative cost surface and route network analyses

QGIS for Archaeology and Spatial Humanities: cumulative cost surface and route network analyses

Dozenten: Prof. Carlo Citter (Università di Siena) und Dr. Armin Volkmann (Universität Heidelberg)

Termine: Zweitägiges Blockseminar am Mo. und Di., 13. und 14.02.2017 von 10 bis 16 Uhr

Veranstalter: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage am Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context der Universität Heidelberg in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Digitalität in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften -mainzed

Veranstaltungsort: Universität Heidelberg, Seminar-Raum 112, Karl Jaspers Centre, Voßstr. 2, Gebäude 4400, 69115 Heidelberg

Veranstaltungssprachen: englisch und deutsch

Vorkenntnisse: GIS-Grundkenntnisse sind nicht zwingend erforderlich; der Kurs gibt u.a. eine knappe GIS-Einführung: siehe Vorbereitungsliteratur

Voraussetzung: Die Bereitschaft zur Einarbeitung in komplexe, digital basierte Fragestellungen muss vorhanden sein; eigenes Internet fähiges Laptop muss mitgebracht werden auf dem die aktuelle QGIS Version 2.18 bereits für das jeweilige Betriebssystem installiert worden ist; Download ausschließlich via OSGeo4W Network Installer mit den Erweiterungen Saga, Python, GRASS, GDAL ist obligatorisch

Download unter:


Zielgruppe: Studierende (BA und MA) sowie Doktoranden der Archäologischen Wissenschaften und geschichtlich/räumlich orientierten Disziplinen

Zielsetzung: Einführung in die Arbeitsweise von Geografischen Informationssystemen (GIS); praktische Arbeit mit der Open Source QGIS; selbständige GIS-basierte Projektentwicklung

Beschreibung: The course aims to give the students practical knowledge of GIS-based spatial analyses in archaeology. The teachers will give the students access to a moodle platform where they can find literature, examples and video tutorials. The main goal is to help a researcher to evaluate which is the best analysis to run according to a given dataset and a precise historical question. Spatial analyses are often complicate algorithms that produce always an output. The crucial step for an archaeologist is to critically evaluate the available dataset. An output can be formally correct, though historically useless, and sometimes even misleading. Archaeologists should avoid any determinism cause-effect relationship between input data and output.

In particular, the lectures and seminar will focus on the making of a cumulative cost surface to evaluate settlement location, route network and resource exploitation. A further set of analyses will investigate the morphology of a landscape beyond slope and aspect. We shall focus on the potential of each cell of the DEM (digital elevation model) for human movement, settlement, exploitation. In addition a special attention will be paid to the flow and persistence of water.

Teilnehmerzahl: max. 15-20

Verbindliche Anmeldung per eMail an: v3a[at]


Bill, Ralf: Grundlagen der Geo-Informationssysteme [2010]. Berlin 2012.

Burrough, Peter A./McDonnell, Rachael A./Lloyd, Christopher D.: Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford 2015.

Conolly, James/Lake, Mark: Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology. Cambridge 2008.

Kappas, Martin: Geographische Informationssysteme. Braunschweig 2012.

De Lange, Norbert: Geoinformatik in Theorie und Praxis. Heidelberg 2013.

Volkmann, Armin: Tutorial Georeferenzierung von historischen Karten mit QGIS – Ein Bilderbuch. Wissenschaftsblog archäologiedigitale Oktober 2014 (ISSN 2197-7453), 11 Seiten.

Volkmann, Armin: Archäologische Fundkartierung und Zeichnungs-Georeferenzierung mit QGIS. HeiDOK Heidelberger Dokumentenserver. Heidelberg 2015.

Volkmann, Armin: Geografische Informationssysteme in den Digital Humanities. In. F. Jannidis/H. Kohle/M. Rehbein (Hg.), Digital Humanities – Eine Einführung (Stuttgart 2017), 300-315.


2 Doctoral Scholarships in “Archaeological Information Systems” and “GIScience/Geoinformatics”

The Junior Research Group “Digital Humanities/Digital Cultural heritage” of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” in cooperation with the “Heidelberg Graduate School for Mathematical and Computational Methods in the Sciences”, offers two doctoral scholarships with focus on “Archaeological Information Systems” and “Digital Cultural heritage”.

Within the framework of the research group we will look at discourses linked to changes of new possibilities in the use of digital methods in archeology. Opportunities and risks associated with big research data sets will be ascertained. This results in standardized workflows that serve further investigations. We work on a team with GIS and laser scan data (2D and 3D modeling) in cooperation with a research network of various institutions within a digital research infrastructure. And we also develop VREs (Virtual Research Environments) for specific digitalization workflows of sub-projects in archaeology.

The successful applicants’ primary task will be to complete a PhD degree, but active participation in relevant graduate courses offered at the Cluster of Excellence or other institutes at Heidelberg University is recommended. The stipends are rated at € 1200 to 1468/month. Access to travel and publication funding is available.

Candidates must hold an M.A. or equivalent in a relevant discipline of Pre- and Early History (“Ur- und Frühgeschichte”), Historical Sciences, GIScience /Geoinformatics, Landscape Archaeology and Geomatics or Archaeological Information Systems (“Archäoinformatik”) etc. and experience in archaeological fieldwork methods in Europe and/or Asian contexts. Proficiency in English is mandatory. German and French language skills are desirable. An interest in interdisciplinary collaboration is essential.

To apply, send curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, an outline of a dissertation project (2-3 pages) related to the research group, names and contact details of two referees, and one written sample (altogether in one PDF) via email to Dr. Armin Volkmann (armin.volkmann[at] Stipend start should be in 2013, review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.

Heidelberg University is an equal opportunity/affirmative-action employer. In case of equality of qualification and suitability of applicants, the applications made by female researchers will be given preferential consideration. We also encourage and welcome applications from disabled persons.

For additional information see: